Choosing Processor & Mainboard is sometimes complicated because there are too many brands and types on the market. Check out our article below as a guide for you to choose Processor & Mainboard that suits your needs.
Although there are many brands on the market that many outstanding processor, but we are trying to narrow the choice to divide it into two parts. This is based on availability and needs. The first part is the Intel Pentium 4 processor and a second family AMD Athlon 64 Family.
The second processor is a trademark brand of the most widely sought and used by most people and both have some features which are quite different. Among them are Intel uses long instruction pipelines that are designed to produce a clock speed Supertall scale. While at AMD itself did not use the feature, but rather use the features Shorter Instruction pipelines that produce good efficiency, but unfortunately could not produce a high velocity scale. To the general public will surely confuse these two things, so we will try to explain how the advantages and kerurangan of their respective trademark processor.
Intel Pentium 4 Family
Commonly called the Pentium 4. Although in one family but has a different speed. Similarly, the socket is used. The most used version of the Pentium 4 is using the socket 478. In the latest version has been used for socket LGA 775 motherboard supports the latest release of a few.
Represents the first generation of Pentium 4 that has 1 MB of L2 cache and has a speed of 3.8 GHz. However, in this processor has a significant constraint, which has a fairly high heat. And the processor does not support the operating system and 64-bit applications. The bright side, this processor does have a good performance to support the needs multiaplikasi and gaming.
Pentium 4 Extreme Edition
Is a premium line of processors from Intel, for desktop PC CPU. Additions have also been using the LGA 775 socket and runs on the 3.46 GHz with 512 K L2 cache features plus a 2 MB L3 cache and FSB at 1066 MHz. He is also available in 64-bit CPU.
Pentium D
Intel CPU family that has a dual-core architecture. Some series are already available, including the Pentium D 840, 830, and 820 which have a clock from 2.80 to 3.20 GHz with 800 MHz FSB. L2 cache with its 2 × 1 Mb. With dual-core processors, expected to perform data processing with a shorter time. In addition, this processor has been equipped with EMT64T (Extended Memory 64 Technology), which supports the operating system and 64-bit applications.
If you are interested to buy the output processor Intel Pentium D processor ranks apparently is an ideal choice. Dual-core processors and support 64-bit main reasons. Because in the future all applications and the operating system will use 64-bit. In addition to selling price of this processor is quite relevant, which is around U.S. $ 279.
AMD Athlon 64 Family
AMD has three types of processors with the performance of different. Namely, 64 and Athlon FX Series, also Sempron. Although the three have the same basic technology, but several features and prices offered have significant differences.
Basically, the AMD Athlon 64 processors are able to produce high-speed applications that use a lot of floating point and needs a large bandwidth. Why is that?
AMD Athlon 64
In this processor has two versions. The first version of which still use single-channel memory. Ie using the Athlon 64 socket 75. While the latter uses socket 939 and already have dual-channel memory technology. For the price, of course, the Athlon 64 754 has a cheaper price than 939. Both have amounted to 1 MB of L2 cache, while for the speed offered range from 2.4 GHz to 3.0 GHz.
Athlon 64 FX
This processor is the most appropriate processor to support gamers, because in addition equipped with 1 MB of L2 cache with the lowest speed on offer amounted to 2.6 GHz. In both the AMD Athlon processor output 64 or Athlon 64 FX and the application already supports 64-bit operating system. And now that AMD has issued a dualcore processor, which AMD Athlon 64 X2, still using socket 939.
Core Logic Chipset
As we noted earlier, one of the section to select the motherboard used in addition to determining the processor, core logic chipset is also part of that is no less important to consider. Why is that?
If likened to a motherboard is a city, then the core logic chipset is a local government through setting up information flow. The chipset has a vital task. He will command what should be done by the USB ports, also determines how fast the system to access memory. Thus the function of the core logic chipset is very important to support the computer performance.
Today, some motherboards use two quite different scenarios. The first scenario is a motherboard designed for Intel Pentium 4 processor. Still adopt the old way, using Memory controller embedded in the chipset nortbridge.
In this scenario, the chipsets on the motherboard memory controller on duty at the same time as that is the engine controller to manage all the existing needs. Memory controller is located in the Northbridge chipset is located to the relative distance is not too far from the processor. The aim is to produce large memory bus bandwidth.
The second scenario is the motherboard for AMD Athlon 64, Athlon 64 FX and Athlon 64 X2 which has a different remote with Intel. On the motherboard AMD Athlon 64, memory controller nortbridge no longer contained in the chipset, but moved into the processor.
In this condition, the bus memory controller can be just as quick with the speed of the processor cores. Thus, making a couple of gigahertz faster so it can produce a much faster performance than the first scenario.
However, this is not an absolute victory, because the amount of which is owned by AMD's performance lacking in flexibility.
Intel does have a fairly good flexibility. For example if you now buy the Intel Pentium 4 processor, you can use these processors on a motherboard that uses DDR400. Likewise for the motherboard DDR2/800
even for DDR3 motherboards, which will be released soon.
It does not happen if you use a processor or AMD Athlon 64 FX 64 because the controller was attached to only one memory technology. So you must adjust your memory use in accordance with an integrated controller contained within the processor.
That's one reason why until now still adopt AMD 400 DDR memory technology. Because in addition to still want to give flexibility to consumers, AMD also assumes the ability of the resulting memory bandwidth of DDR 400 is still able to handle all the computing needs of the current process.
Although all referring to the memory controller chipset, but the core logic chipset itself has several functions crucial. Namely the performance of USB, disk, and how fast and VGA PCI slot (AGP or PCIe x16) data transfer.
Last chipset development
For now Intel has launched a motherboard with 955X and 945P chipsets that support DDR2/667, and expressly left the DDR400. But on this chipset, the most favored is the ability of the chipset supports dual-core processor features.
After it was contrary to Intel, nVIDIA chipsets can now side by side with an Intel processor. By trying out new chipset is nVIDIA nForce4 Intel Edition. Previously attended a similar chipset for the Athlon 64 bases. On the chipset has to support SLI technology and are equipped with SATA 3 GB also Firewall. Unfortunately, there is no certainty of nVIDIA, regarding these chipset support for dual-core processor.
Although manufacturers are slow to develop this one instead of two producers of technology which we have mentioned above, but VIA has released the VIA PT984 Pro. The uniqueness of this chipset is able to run PCI Express x16 video card is also AGP 8x. Both can be run simultaneously and supports dual monitors. However, it differs with SLI. Because the SLI configuration, capable of dividing
bandwidth data from two video cards. In addition, VIA provides two choices of DDR400 and DDR2 memory is 667 so it can adapt to their needs.
Once before, we give a few tips for choosing the processor, then we will give also you how to choose the right chipset.
- The first thing that you must consider is the type of chipset used. Do not be fooled by the names of unique products. Some manufacturers deliberately use a name that is unique to attract buyers. However, not infrequently the results and performance of its less according to its name.
- Notice the speed of interconnection between northbride with southbridge chipset. Using 133 MB minimum speed / s. Some latest product to reach the 2 GB / s. Which should be required, it is a difficult question. For the needs of 'normal' 800 MB / s up to 1 GB / s is quite adequate. You also need some consideration for the chipset configuration if there is a 4 PCI Express X1 in a sourthbridge, you will need 1-2 GB / s bandwidth connections to support appropriate, but if there is only the path X1 is connected directly to the Northbridge, the interconnection is not your need.
- Notice southbrigde chipset, motherboard manufacturers can easily switch the chipset with other chipsets. And if it happens, then some features will be owned by fewer and limited. Therefore you should pay attention
- Similar to choosing a motherboard, chipset right to vote you also need a second opinion to give an appropriate reference. Therefore you can get from some reviews in the media about the chipset so that you will not regret in the future.
After all, we explain, then you live that determines the choice and survived to build a new computer. Hopefully with this guide, you will not get stuck in the vote.