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Minggu, 27 Juni 2010

Tips on caring for laptops

Laptops are more vulnerable damaged or "fragile" than on a PC. Therefore, we must treat or care for her properly in order not to rapid deterioration. Do not get the new laptop we bought a few months become damaged simply because we were wrong to treat and take care of him. Here are some tips for a laptop to work on maximal performance.

Do not draw near with a beverage or liquid with a laptop, when it comes to spill into the laptop, it can cause the components inside konsleting.

Do not put a laptop with a magnetic field source, such as TV, Speacker Active, Radio Tape, or phone. The magnetic field affects mainly laptop hard drive components.
If bringing a laptop to put into special bags. Laptop bag made in such a way that the laptop casing does not easily scratched with objects around or even able to reduce small tremors. If you need to periodically clean the casingnya with fabric / cloth can be purchased at computer stores.

Do not move-move the laptop while still alive. Laptop hard drive being alive means also being driven to work so that if the scratch disk can cause the cylinder heads so that it will be fatal.

Use stavolt or stabilizer. When using electricity directly, be sure to use stavolt / stabilizer or UPS to anticipate the rise and fall of electric voltage.

Do not lend your laptop to just anyone. This is solely to prevent the possibility of harsh treatment when we lent a careless accident.

Install anti-virus and updatelah regularly. Do not indiscriminate download free software from the Internet. Maybe we download malware / spyware masquerading as a specific freeware.

Put the laptop in horizontal position do not tilt. In addition to ergonomic also causes less disk position is not in the correct position ..

Shutdown properly. Never turn off the laptop by removing the power / battery. Electrical power can cause sudden death hard disk problems.

Keep in place with a temperature that is not too extreme. Do not ever leave your laptop in a car that was parked in hot or the engine was still alive. Excessive heat can damage components of your laptop.

Do not put the laptop on a soft surface, so that the laptop seems a sink that can block out so hot for hot laptops faster.

Never disassemble the laptop itself. Especially that still laity. If you're still within the warranty period be wise if you take her to the official service.

LCD screen wipe with a soft cloth and dry. Wipe with a soft, do not press too hard and one direction only, eg from left to right. Liquid crystals formed by the LCD (to display the image) so that its surface is thin and fragile. Therefore, even if it must appoint a monitor with your finger or a pen (or other object) not to touch them let alone pressing hard.

Clean the keyboard with a vacuum cleaner or a spray of air on the sidelines of a button. Do not knock or shake the keyboard so hard.

Exercise caution when opening and closing the laptop screen. Between LCD with CPU are functioning so that the LCD hinge can move freely according to the slope that we want. At the time of opening or closing the LCD, do not jerking too hard which can lead to broken hinges.

Treat the battery correctly. Especially for the use of batteries should be your first time filling and emptying three times in a row, and apply also to the old battery is stored or used not weeks. If using the Ni-MH battery type you need to clear every week / months. If you plan to store a laptop in the long term should remove the battery from the laptop.
(From various sources)

2 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

Useful tips for caring a laptop. Basically laptops are more vulnerable fragile than on a PC. Laptops needs some extra care in comparison of a normal PC. Thanks for sharing such useful tips for a laptop to work on maximal performance.

Thanks & Regards
UPS Software

Uninterruptible Power Supplies mengatakan...

Informative read regarding laptops. Laptops are more vulnerable fragile than on a PC. Thanks for sharing such useful tips for caring a laptop.

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